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Tag Archives: Newworldaquarium
[Fr] Aroy Dee – Summer (m>o>s)
Vous ne le saviez certainement pas, mais à mi-chemin entre Detroit et Chicago se situe Amsterdam, résidence du très discret et néanmoins talentueux Aroy Dee. Comment ça la géographie n’est pas très exacte ? Ok sur une mappemonde peut-être pas, mais sur la carte des musiques électroniques il en est autrement, à l’écoute de son dernier maxi emprunt de deepness légèrement mélancolique qui aurait facilement pu se trouver une place sur Dial. Continue reading
[En] Guest mix : Break SL (philpot) [bptchk! 005]
Even if this word is overused nowadays, I would call my sound “deep”. As dj I like playing slow, I always try to make a journey with the audience, so I play Techno-House from Detroit to Chicago, Disco, Jazz, Dub and Hip-Hop. It always depends on the situation and the audience… But I always try to transfer the soul and the energy of this wonderful music.
Break SL
[En] Interview : Newworldaquarium (NWAQ / delsin)
The guy you’re watching overhead with the strange mexican hat is Jochem Peteri, well known for the international electronic scene under Newworldaquarium. Liked for his unexpected slow-dance groovy tracks, after released 12″ for planet e, peacefrog, or delsin, he plans to release in March the cd version (with bonus tracks) of the acclaimed vinyl-album “The dead bears” few months ago. Let’s try to uncover the secrets of a very talented but so discreet artist from Amsterdam. Our ears are wild open… Continue reading